Just as there were some great looks at this year's SAG Awards, there were some not-so-great ones too. Not SOOOO bad overall, but here are my "Bottom 6."
1. Kim Kardashian. Blech. This dress seems both outdated and poorly suited to Kim's body. It looks really droopy, and I'm sparing you the horrendous open back too. Why is she even at the SAG Awards, anyway?

2. Kate Mara. Herve Leger dresses can look amazing. Note my use of the word, "can." They're called bandage dresses for a reason, and Kate Mara looks positively immobile and uncomfortably bound in this dress. And the bottom of the gown looks like a bottle brush. Perhaps it could look OK on someone, but all I'm getting from Mara and her posture is that this is one unpleasant dress. Also, with the beige headband and beige purse, this is altogether too much beige.

3. Eva Longoria. This dress looked even worse when she was onstage presenting. Let's just say it felt like Longoria took "SAG Awards" literally. The drapey top flaps made this stunning woman appear top-heavy and nearly-nude, and not in anything but an offputting way. She also got a strange muffin-top effect (cringe - I hate the term, but I can't think of another way to paint this picture for you) from the taut waistband, which again, I know is not from Eva Longoria ACTUALLY posessing a muffin-top, as she is a perfectly proportioned human.

4. Claire Danes. Anger!!! Danes looked so good at the Golden Globes and then she wore this positively wrong dress for her figure. I refuse to feel badly for women who have small busts, since there are so many amazing styles that they can wear that the better endowed ladies cannot. This dress needs some boobage, and Danes shouldn't have worn it. I love the fabric. I love the dress. I hate it on her. It looks like it's falling down, and only accentuates her non-chest. Small extra credit for her wonderful lipstick hue (and for her wonderful Hugh too!)...

5. Amy Adams. Love Amy. Such a versatile actress, such lovely coloring, such a great "real" figure. Hate this dress, unfortunately. The top is all wrong for her torso proportions, and the color is very draining on her. Worst of all, if you saw her in motion you saw how horrendous it was for her to wrangle with the frontal train. Nothing looks worse than walking while holding your crotch fabric. I'm just sayin'...

6. Angie Harmon. Worst dressed, by far. The only look I actually cannot find a redeeming characteristic about. This woman is gorgeous and could look fantastic in almost any dress. Almost. Not this one. The feathers, bustier seaming, baby pink, and voluminous bottom would be too much for even Barbie to handle. Fashion FAIL.
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