The schnitzel of the day was chicken, and it was delicious! Very thin pounded cutlet, lightly breaded, served with a giant lemon wedge. And a side of chipotle sauce that I wasn't sure how to use, but ended up dipping my chicken piece like a giant Austrian McNugget! Oh, and you get to enter a contest for a pair of free roundtrip tickets to Vienna too.
Today and tomorrow, the truck is in the 50s. Thursday: 52nd St between 6th & 7th Ave.
Friday: 52nd St & Lexington Ave. Hours each day will be from 11am-3pm, or until supplies run out.
After work, intrepid friend, J, and I headed to Williams-Sonoma at Columbus Circle for a book signing.
It was totally ill-attended, no wine (even though the book was a winemakers cookbook), and almost no food, except for a "display" of radicchio and blue cheese that I thought was samples and accidentally ate. AND I THEN GOT YELLED AT BY A PRICKLY W-S LADY! It was a huge serving platter of food on a counter - How was I supposed to know?!?
We fled the scene to the Lladro/Steiff event, which was event worse.
The entire Lladro showroom smelled like a heady floral air-freshener, and the place was packed with figurine collectors. J and I discovered a table set with wine glasses and another empty table that seemed to be a proper site for hors d'ouvres, but nary a beverage or nibble was to be seen.
FreebieFAIL. We fled Event #2 and got dinner at a very delicious, very not free establishment!
But all was not lost! As I left the Bloomingdales area, I checked my watch and reckoned it was perfect timing for me to walk 10 blocks north on Madison Ave to check out the aforementioned Ralph Lauren mystery light showing at 8:30pm.
It was, in a word, amazing.
First, the show:
RL used the new building on Madison as a projection screen for a 10-15 minute music and light show. These projections were creative and truly fun.
See photos below:
This is what it looked like as they projected the mansion "opening up" - kind of like a dollhouse, to show an interior "fashion show" on a descending staircase:
And then they went totally fantastical, projecting polo players and giant belts and all kinds of things. The coolest was when they had giant neckties flop over the mansion, as seen here:
Unfortunately, I'll have to pass on the anniversary party since I'll be attending another fun freebie night of Holiday Theater: Elf on Broadway, courtesy of awesome Broadway cousin, T!
However, I promise a full report on tomorrow's lifestyle events at Lladro/Steiff and Williams-Sonoma!
Second, another Williams-Sonoma book signing event. I'm going to try and attend this one!
Featuring Christine Hanna, of The Winemaker Cooks: Menus, Parties, and Pairings.
It's at their NYC Columbus Circle store, Wednesday, November 10th at 5pm. I assume wine will be involved somehow, right?