Monday, November 1, 2010

Zombie Book Reading

The Carrie Ryan zombie book reading at the Williams Club was a mixed bag...and I don't mean bag o' trick or treating candy! (terrible...terrible...)

Lovely friend and lovely cousin, A & A, joined me at the Princeton Club for Friday's book reading. When we got there, there was nary a "Halloween goodie" or "cider" in sight! The event organizers lied!!! This was a bare bones book event, with a carafe of water on a table set with glasses.

So, it gets a D for food and drink.

However, Carrie Ryan was charming, funny, and truly excited about her success as a NYT bestselling author of zombie teen lit. She did a reading from her upcoming novel, "The Dark and Hollow Places," and it was dark and suspenseful. I'd buy it!

A for entertainment at this freebie event!

And as I left the Williams (aka Princeton) Club, I was blindsided by a spectacular freebie view - one of those awesome NYC moments.

At first glance, just a view of the Chrysler building through a NYC sidestreet...

But the way the sunset reflected off the top of the building and the golden bath of sunlight on that gorgeous skyscraper - I had to stop and take another close-up picture:
Sometimes walking the NYC streets is the best freebie of all. :)

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